Research has shown that when students can connect learning with the "future selves" they hope to be, they become more engaged and focused on learning. The information in the Educator Guide and activities in this kit will help students visualize and describe their future selves and connect their choices today with their future potential. Additional strategies include connecting students with people who inspire their aspirations and sharing their intentions on social media to help keep them on track to become their best future selves.

Who Are You Becoming Educator Guide (20)
This 20-page guide includes research insights supporting the benefits of connecting with possible future selves, several classroom activities to introduce students to this idea and explore their aspirations, and suggested discussion questions. Click here to download the PDF.

Letter to My Future Self: Student Worksheet (20)
This sheet provides writing prompts for students to write down a few thoughts about their past, present and future selves in preparation for writing a letter to the person they hope to be in 10 years. Click here to download the PDF.

My Journey Toward My Future Self: Student Worksheet (20)
Once students have given some thought to who they hope to be in 10 years, they can use this sheet to connect that person’s qualities with their qualities today, and identify the steps needed to become their desired future self. Click here to download the PDF.

"Write Your Own Future" Pen (40)
Students can use this pen for the "Letter to My Future Self" exercise, or to express themselves in any number of ways. The inspirational message makes the point that writing is one way students can impact their own future potential.

Educational Push Messages (1)
These messages can be used on Twitter or Facebook,or in school announcements, newsletters or other communication resources. Push messages for this month are focused on aspirations and how to reach them. Click here to download the PDF for easy copying and pasting.

Meme: Aspirations
Use on your email blasts, Facebook, your district/school website or other social media sites to show your entire school and community that your students are exploring this topic. Click here to download the JPG file.

NEED MORE? For additional items from the kit, contact your Jostens rep or email: