Organization is the key to executing a great yearbook. The toughest question is always where to start! If organization doesn’t come naturally to you, follow these tips and make sure to use your Yearbook Guide & Sales Representative to help make this process completely seamless.


First step is to make a simple page ladder on your computer, so you can save it from year to year and only update what needs to be changed.  To do this, create a two-column spreadsheet and label each page with a number.  Start with page 1 on the right side and then page 2 & 3 across from each other on the next line. Continue numbering until you reach the total number of pages in your book. Save this as your ladder template! If you are using the Memory Book Online program there is a page ladder in the PLAN section of the program you can use as well.


Search the flow templates based on how many images will appear on each page. Next, review the templates you would like to use for the underclassmen and determine how many pages you will need for each grade level. You can always leave an extra page as a buffer to make sure you have space for new students. This buffer can become a great place for candids if you end up having extra space. Students who were absent on picture day or avoided the photographer can also be included in these candids so that everyone is included in the book.

You will want to make a list of all the events that you want featured in your yearbook. Once all the events have been listed, create a folder on your computer to store your pictures.  The main folder will be labeled Yearbook and inside that folder, include folders for all the events listed on your page ladder. As you take photos during the year, store them in the appropriate folders and then upload them to Memory Book Online. Having a place for all your images will save time when you begin assembling your yearbook and it will keep you from scrambling for photos at the last minute.


Next, find a copy of last year’s book and use it as a guide for creating your page ladder.  Many of the events and activities included in your previous book will also appear in this year’s book. Before you begin labeling your pages for the professional pictures, you are going to want to consult your data entry person and get the number of students in each grade level. This way, you can determine how many pages you will need for each group/grade. Graduating students   deserve to stand out, and this can be accomplished by making those photos slightly larger than the rest of the underclassmen.


Last but not least, order your supplies and create your team.  If you do not have a class or club, you will want to secure a few extra sets of eyes to help proof your book and take pictures.  Memory Book Online also has a great photo submission site called ReplayIt®, where you can allow others in the school community to upload pictures to the website. They can then be approved by you for use in the book.  It is very challenging to be everywhere and capture every event so pre-plan & recruit help when needed.

When in doubt, contact your Sales Representative to assist you in your journey at 1-800-247-1526. 

Good luck and let the planning begin!