Yearbook Adviser Summer Play list
Summer time is playtime, you’ve earned it.
You did it! You created a yearbook, in a pandemic. You made the best of some of the worst circumstances and now it’s time to relax, recharge and retool.
Here are some quick tips to add to your summer vacation playlist, for how you might choose to spend some of your time this summer.
Links: Award Party Lesson | editor applications |

1. Building Your Brand
It’s the most wonderful time of the year - theme development time! Any little time spent before the end of the year or over the summer with your yearbook staff working on your 2022 yearbook helps set you up for success in the coming year.

2. Engaging Students
As 2021 yearbooks get distributed, think about capping off the year by celebrating the joys and successes on yearbook staff. There are loads of ways to recognize your students like this award party lesson -- reward your staff, while also teaching editors that part of motivating others is acknowledging the talents of their staff.

3. Laughable Moments
People say ‘laughter is the best medicine’ and what better way than through anytime fun like team building activities. Combine fun and games with an end-of-the-year banquet, or if your city has pandemic restrictions you could potentially meet your students in a public park for an afternoon picnic. A slideshow of compiled memories is another great way to showcase student work and thank yearbook staff members for a job well done.

4. Physical Fitness and Well Being
While many of these summer ideas involve working with and building up your students, this one is all about you. Take time to relax and do all the things that you have less time for during the school year – from relaxation like pool time to enjoying a spa day treatment, take a little ‘you’ time to recharge those batteries and celebrate summer.

5. Relationships
Yearbook may take a rest during summer, but the fun doesn’t have to stop. Be sure to compile summer contact info for your editors, returning and incoming students in case summer training opportunities arise. A quick Google form can get all the information you need. If you haven’t selected editors yet, hand out editor applications to returning students to encourage them to use their time off to brainstorm ideas for the fall. Building strong staff leadership helps you, but ultimately benefits everyone.

6. Seeking Growth
Summer workshops are an excellent way to brush up your skills and get a jump on next year’s book. This year was a stressful one, but this is your chance to make next year even better. Summer workshops are three days of instruction that pay off over the next nine months. Check out for information on JAU, Yearbook Adviser Grad Credit and Summer Workshops -- all opportunities are open to non-Jostens customers.